IWKR 2025 Entry Form is here
The dates for 2025 are 31st July - 4th August.
The entry list is here
(I have put this up front as it seems to be the item that causes most grief!)
The entry form for accommodation has two columns
The left is for camping £10 per night per person
The right allows room requests to be entered, single or double for each night. These requests will be processed later once the demand is clear.
If a room is wanted only complete the right hand column.
When using a mobile the columns turn into rows.
Each day has two rows, the upper for camping, the lower to request a room.
Online Entry Guidance
On-line entry has two steps, entry and payment.
First complete the entry form and and click on the "Next" button.
This records the entry in the system and shows a summary of the entry. Pressing "Next" moves to the payment page.
The next step is to pay. Just follow the instructions but only click once!
Completing payment should generate a message to confirm payment.
However depending on a number of factors, such as broadband speed, network or payment processing congestion (yes just like the M25!) or the terminal device processing speed (smart phone. tablet or PC - are you using a Bantam or a Bonneville!) the response may be slow.
The best advice is leave it, even if a message which says that payment has not been accepted arrives, just go and polish the bike or watch a Netflix series.
If no confirmation is received within a day or your name is not on the entry list here then email us at [email protected]
No worries - we can then sort the payment.
To apply for late entry, please email [email protected] with the following information;
- Make, model, year and registration number of the machine to be entered
- VMCC membership number (or "non-member")
- If you have entered previously and the year if you can remember!
We will respond by email.
Please note 2025 costs are;
Rider £58
Passenger £46
Camping £10 per person per night
Saturday Buffet £16 per person
Room Rates to follow